2019 has been yet another remarkable year for DivorceMag, and we have our authors and readers to thank! To say congratulations to our dedicated authors, and as a sign of thanks to our devoted readers, we decided to create a list of our top 10 posts for the first half of 2019.
Whether you’re dealing with a toxic ex spouse, child support laws in Texas, or how to navigate through the stages of grief during a divorce, this list has a little bit of something for everyone.
Here are our most popular posts from the first half of 2019. Don’t forget to comment on and share your favorite ones!
Here are DivorceMag’s top 10 posts for the first half of 2019.
10. 7 Stages of Grief During and After Divorce
By L.J. Burke
During and following a divorce, you will experience various stages of grief as you begin processing your divorce and what caused your marriage to end.
9. 12 Things You Should Know about Failing to Pay Child Support in Texas
By Deborah Bankhead
In this article, we get down to basics and highlight things parents should know about failing to pay child support in Texas. It’s motivation to keep paying!
8. 7 Reasons Why Being Friends with Your Ex Usually Doesn’t Work
By Terry Gaspard
It’s a good idea to be civil and cooperative with your former spouse – especially when you have children. However, being friends with your ex probably won’t allow you to move on with your life after divorce.
7. 15 Tips for Dealing with a Toxic Ex-Spouse When Children Are Involved
By Henry Gornbein
The more toxic an ex-spouse is, the more problems there will be moving forward, especially if there are minor children.
6. The Breaking Point: Why Do Women Initiate Divorce More Than Men?
By Julie Danielson
According to a recent study, 90% of all divorces are initiated by college-educated women. Why do women initiate divorce than men?
5. 6 Reasons Divorce is Harder on Men than Women
By Kathleen Shaul
Women, unlike men, find it easier to cope with divorce because they are more likely to seek professional help and reach out to friends and family for support.
4. The 7 Stages of an Emotional Affair – and How to Save Your Marriage
By Lisa Bahar
Most emotional affairs aren’t physically sexual, but rather emotionally provocative & intimate. Here’s how to deal with each stage – and maybe save your marriage.
3. Your Parting Words: How to Break the News about Divorce Responsibly
By Dr. Susan Allison
Are you preparing to leave, considering a trial separation, or do you want a divorce? Here’s some help deciding what to say when you break the news to your spouse.
2. 8 Ways You Know It’s Time to Divorce
By Terry Gaspard
Early warning signs that you may be heading for divorce.
1. 5 Rules for Introducing a New Partner to Your Kids After Divorce
By Terry Gaspard
Consider how long you’ve been divorced, your children’s ages, and how committed you are before introducing a new partner. Waiting will pay off for everyone in the long run.
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