Some crossroads in life inspire us to take a moment and slow down, while others might actually drive us to take a leap we would otherwise postpone, perhaps indefinitely. While getting divorced is often considered one of the most stressful occasions in anyone’s life, and a milestone that shouldn’t be ignored, there’s no reason to use it as an excuse to postpone your own dreams. In fact, this might be the perfect moment in your life to occupy your mind with productive, creative thoughts and put all of your energy to good use: to create your own home business after divorce.
As the current entrepreneurial climate is still very empowering for home-based businesses, using that surge of economic growth paired with your life-changing situation can be a great opportunity for you to build up that wind beneath your wings. Here are a few actionable tips to help you navigate these tricky waters and start your business when your marriage has come to an end, to provide yourself with a new beginning and a new, lucrative chapter of your life.
Here are Tips on Starting a Home Business After Divorce
Select Your Niche
Before you can set up your business, you need to be completely sure as to the direction and purpose of your home-based company. Start by assessing your skills and education and cross-reference your qualifications with your passion to see what kind of home-based work will give you the most pleasure and the most profit. Whether you can teach online, create online fitness courses, set up a blog in your industry, or sell hand-crafted goods, it all depends on your affinities.
Whatever you do, don’t rush your decision. It will involve plenty of investments, both in terms of time and money. The divorce you’ve been through has caused you enough stress, and you want to make sure that your new business is a source of pleasure and challenge, but not too much tension and negativity. So, take your time and choose wisely.
Create Your Own Workspace
One of the very first investments you’ll need to make is to design a little work area in your own home. No matter how disciplined or hard-working you may be, working from your bedroom or your kitchen table can only lead to distractions and constant interruptions when you’re in search of a pen, a contract, or appropriate lighting.
Without delay, find a corner of your home, or an entire room to serve as your home office and equip it with a work desk and an ergonomic chair for optimal support. Make sure you obtain high-quality office supplies that you can place in your storage compartments and always have everything neatly organized and at your disposal. Everything from pens, notebooks, sticky notes, highlighters, all the way to headphones, a microphone, and other computer accessories, these are all meant to keep you productive for hours on end.
Build Up Your Funds
No business can thrive without the necessary funds. However, you should be mindful of the assets you have at your disposal now that your divorce is finalized, since your marriage ending may have brought about certain changes in your financial status. Head over to your bookkeeper or any financial advisor you trust to see what you can do and what you can invest. This step is essential if you want to run your new business in a competitive region such as Asia, where you truly need to be wise with all of your financial investments from the get-go.
Of course, starting a home business has its financial perks, so you won’t need the initial capital other major ventures require. To make sure you and your own team can save up and keep your financial department streamlines, you can give each employee a payroll card to receive their salaries automatically through your digital system, and to avoid unnecessary fees or paper checks. Depending on what assets you have and your income status, you can then start a savings plan to kick-start your business at a later date if needed, but with a clear plan ahead as to how you can safely build a business from home after your divorce.
Take It Slow and Steady
More often than not, people are eager to start something new after a divorce, and they feel the urge to rush into new and exciting things to shed the pain and burden of a relationship that ended. First of all, make sure that your heart is in the right place and that you’re starting your business for all the right reasons: growth, accomplishment, and independence, and not out of a desire to escape the difficulty of a complicated divorce.
It’s also advisable to retain your current job for a while, until you can safely call your home business profitable. Although the initial investments might not give rise to a high income just yet, working as a freelancer and a full-time employee can be helpful until you can ditch the training wheels and fully rely on your home business.
Make Time for Self-Care
Finally, all of that excitement and the chaos of divorce can lead to yet another issue when starting your business: lack of self-care. In order to set up and successfully run a home business, you need all the energy you can spare, and you need to protect your immune system, your mental health, and your emotional stability. That means that your new venture shouldn’t be at the cost of your health and you should always make time for healthy eating and regular exercise.
Starting a new life after a divorce is always a challenge. If you’re looking to embark on a professional adventure now that your marriage has ended, you should keep these tips in mind so as to ensure a healthy beginning and a strong start for your new home business after divorce.
Lauren Laporte is a health writer at ripped.me. Her favorite subjects revolve around mental and physical health, and how they inevitably affect eachother. Inspired by mountains of research and the latest in the fields of nutrition, neuroscience and cognitive science, she’s motivated to inform people of just how much they’re all interconnected. www.ripped.me/author/lauren-laporte
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