As you go through The good news is that as you settle into your new life, you’ll have a golden opportunity to edit and reinvent your friendships. You’ll be relieved of those that were negative, draining, dull, or just too much work. New friends will take their place, adding fullness and dimension to your life, while relationships with the friends who stand by you through this difficult time will be strengthened by the experience.
Sticking it out for the kids? Read this.
Findings from a recent University of Alberta study published in the December 2005 edition of the Journal of Marriage and Family suggest that the greatest harm to a child’s mental health may actually occur in the years leading up to the breakup not after the divorce itself. Studies of the effect of divorce upon dependent children typically compare children whose parents are divorced with those in stable, two-parent families but fail to examine the quality of family life prior to
Bad marriages may pose greater health risk than divorce, study suggests
A new study sponsored by the U.S. National Institute of Aging found that marital stress, especially as couples who constantly disagree age, can exert a detrimental effect on the immune system. The findings appeared in the March 2006 Journal of Health and Social Behavior, a publication of the American Sociological Association. Lead study researcher Dr. Debra Umberson, PhD., a University of Texas sociology professor, and her fellow researchers analyzed 1,049 married couples in three waves of data collection from 1986, 1989, and 1994. By comparing the respondents’ answers about marital quality with those about their health, the researchers found that those who are married exhibit better overall health than the unmarried. Everyone knows that marital discord is a source of stress, but this study seems to indicate that constant bickering in poor marriages may indeed have long-term health consequences. |
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