The answer to that is no. Division of assets and debts is final and permanent and can never be modified. That is something that people don’t understand sometimes. There have been cases where parties have decided at the divorce that they wanted to sell the house and then something happened. A couple years down the road it turns out that they couldn’t get the house sold for whatever reason or one person decided they wanted to buy the other person out and keep the house. If you put in your final divorce that it was going to be sold, you cannot change it to say now one person is going to buy the person out.
In some instances, lenders refuse to lend because they want the order to say that and it doesn’t say that, so you have to be really sure about your final decision.
Laura Schantz is a family law attorney and mediator practicing in Beaverton, Oregon. To learn more about Laura Schantz and her firm, Schantz Law P.C., visit www.oregondivorceattorney.com.
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