According to a recent poll by the Canadian Press and Harris-Decima, Canadians feel that the institution of marriage has decreased in importance to their society as a whole, yet it remains important to them as far as their individual lives are concerned. The omnibus poll, which the organizations conducted by phone from August 30 to September 2, asked more than a thousand people: “Over the past decade or two, do you think marriage… has become more [or] less important in Canadian society?” 53% of respondents said “less”, while only 13% said “more”. The remainder of them replied that marriage had become no more or less important.
But when the poll asked, “Do you see marriage as being more [or] less important… in your life than you may have felt in the past?” 42% answered “more”, and 39% said that their personal feelings about marriage were the same as before. In addition, 74% of respondents believed that marriage is harder work today than it was in the past. “What’s unique, I think, about Canadians in this context is that even as they can characterize that kind of shift in society, they don’t seem to be angst-ridden about it,” said Harris-Decima president Bruce Anderson, as quoted by the Canadian Press. He added that today’s two-parent families undergo economic and career pressures unheard of in previous generations: “There’s a perception that those strains have increased, and as a consequence… making a marriage work is more difficult than it was.”
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