Amid the divorce horror stories that plaster grocery store tabloids and plague online news feeds with gritty details, a few glimmers of hope shine through: tales of healthy divorce where individuals make the careful choice to end their marriage gracefully and not spend years battling in court and ruining their lives.
Blogger's Bio
Roberta Eisen
Roberta Eisen, M.Ed., LPC, NCC, is a master practitioner in coaching, mediation, counseling and consulting services for families. Over the past three decades, her expertise has assisted parents and children through the transitions of divorce and beyond. She is an Advanced Practitioner Member of the Association for Conflict Resolution, a member of the Association of Family Conciliation and Courts (AFCC), and a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. She served as the consultant to the American Psychological Association to create and implement the Program for Agreement and Cooperation in Contested Custody Cases for the Family Court of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
The author of curriculum for the Parenting Education Class for the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, Pittsburgh, Roberta teaches parenting education classes and presents workshops on basic and advanced training in mediation and conflict resolution throughout the country.
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