Using mediation is Illinois is generally faster and cheaper than litigation. Mediation can typically be completed in a couple of weeks or a month. Litigation on the other hand, typically takes months or even a year or more.
Using Mediation In Illinois to Settle a Divorce Case – The Advantages
Mediation can typically be completed far cheaper than litigation; on the high side mediation could cost around $1,500, on the low side mediation could cost around $500. The difference in cost depends on the issues mediated and the number of sessions. Mediation also allows the parties to fashion an agreement that is unique to them and takes into account their family dynamic, such an outcome may not be available through litigation.
Want to learn 10 Benefits to Mediation? Learn more here.
Matthew R. Majernik is a highly skilled mediator and family lawyer in Bloomington, Illinois with a focus on family law and estate planning. His experience also includes the areas of dissolution of marriage, parentage actions, custody, child support, and order of protection. www.allisonmosby-scott.com
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