–When it comes to New Jersey high net-worth divorce ,mediation is a very effective way to resolve the case. Mediation usually is less expensive than litigation which further benefits the parties. The parties select a neutral forensic evaluator if we need an evaluation of a business. Since the neutral is working for both parties they are more likely to accept the expert’s opinion.
Using Mediation Over Litigation In A New Jersey High Net-Worth Divorce
We use the same process for the evaluation of real estate. The parties are then able to enter into an agreement that the court could not do if the matter was decided by the court, thereby enabling the parties to design the settlement agreement that is in their best interest. In other words, mediation enables parties to think outside the box.
New Jersey attorney Cynthia Ann Brassington is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney, and regularly helps people to resolve their divorce-related issues, from property division, to child support, and custody. To learn more about Cynthia and her practice visit www.LinwoodFamilyLaw.com
I took four mediation agreements to my attorney and he said the judge would not accept them. He dragged my divorce out instead, causing my children and I years of heartache and the loss of my home.