Parents who set up two homes for their children often make comments like “It made me feel I was a real parent again” or “I knew what I was doing and the children could feel it.” When necessary steps are taken to reclaim certain responsibilities for our children, normal parenting is resumed. We can break through some of these sex-typed barriers that have said that men cannot be nurturing and responsive or that mothers who set up another home have “given up their children” and have something intrinsically wrong with them.
When parents establish a working relationship, their children can feel that Mom and Dad are on top of this life crisis and that things are going to be okay. Then even perhaps, “Uh-oh, I guess that also means they are each going to get my report card!”
The common grumble of parents when children return from being with their other parent is that some item — a favorite toy or a jacket — has been left behind. The first, knee-jerk reaction becomes: the other parent or the child has been inconsiderate, thoughtless, or deliberately provoking. Actually, this forgetfulness probably stems from the child’s need to stake a claim to some territory to create a sense of belonging in his or her newer home.
Children will know they belong in two homes when they no longer need a large suitcase to go from one home to another. This holds true no matter how much or how little time they spend in one home. The time spent doesn’t matter, the sense of belonging does.
Children need their own space and are entitled to privacy. Even a drawer they share at the bottom of their parent’s dresser can help. They need their own nontransferable toilet articles and two or three changes of clothes. They need their own place for toys and personal effects and a place to sleep. Some personal things belong in each home and stay there. Sleeping bags rolled up in a closet can be good beds if these are their own sleeping bags. A house, a yard, and an extra bedroom are just trimmings. The sense of “my own things, here” matters. So does a trust that their things will remain protected in their absence.
Many dual-home parents simply take their offspring shopping for new clothing, sleeping bags, and toilet articles. These purchases offer a way to participate in the organization of their new, other homes. When money is very tight, perhaps parents can agree on which of the child’s articles of clothing and personal belongings can be transferred permanently from one home to the other. Whenever possible, honor the children’s preferences. If they want to carry their favorite pajamas back and forth, let them. They may change their minds after a week or two and make a switch. This maneuver usually tests out Mom’s and Dad’s reactions, a trial-and-error way to learn what will feel best but also what the parents will accept. Allow reasonable time to try out different schemes; observe what is easy and comfortable for the children and then agree on rules. “Usually one or two things transfer,” said one parent. “Our eldest wears the same hat back and forth. Our youngest carries his blanket and teddy bear.” Remember, when your children have their clothes and things in two homes you also get rid of the “suitcase conversation” with the other parent.
Groundwork designates the time parent and child take walking together around the new home(s), exploring, familiarizing themselves with landmarks, meeting neighbors and potential playmates, discovering busy streets, and — most important — determining boundaries for roaming without an adult. Groundwork is the most basic settling-in work that the parent and child must do in a new neighborhood, but it is often the most ignored task of parenting. It takes no more than an hour and should be done by each parent at each home. Benefits are widespread and long-lasting.
Lecturing the child as you march over the ground won’t do the job. Nor is this an activity to be delegated to nannies or sitters. Parent and child do it together. As with other shared activities, your child has an opportunity to tell you what he or she thinks. Groundwork promotes a sense of security and can also show the neighbors that you are a caring parent.
One parent admitted her shame at living in the same place for four years and never walking the neighborhood with her daughters. “I realized I had been a four-wheel parent; if I didn’t see it from the car coming into our driveway or going out of it, it didn’t exist. I didn’t know the names of my neighbors two houses down!” When the parent walks these routes with the children, he or she can exchange phone numbers with parents of potential playmates and friendly local merchants. When Dad sends Eric to the store or neighborhood market for bread and Eric has not returned after a reasonable time, Dad — because he took a minute to get the market’s number and to introduce Eric to the manager — can phone and ask if Eric has been there.
Such groundwork establishes an automatic neighborhood watch for your children. Children gain a sense of security and of belonging; their parents gain peace of mind and real information about the neighborhood. Groundwork may take a few hours, but it pays off again and again in security and continuity for you and your children.
Healthy Parenting Patterns
- Parents frequently share information about their child. Written notes, voice mail, and e-mail often substitute for one-on-one talks.
- Parents’ communications are respectful, usually businesslike and direct. No verbal messages are sent through the children.
- Parents keep the child out of the middle of their problems with one another, and there is no neighborhood “soap opera.
- Each parent supports the other parent’s relationship with the child and helps the child feel free to love both of them.
- Parents provide the child the environment, support, and love to develop normally — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
A predictable, orderly structure for at least some things is especially important when people are in crisis or having a difficult time. Parents feeling anxious, sad, remorseful, or angry can let daily routines and household organization go downhill rapidly during their own times of crisis. A little occupational therapy is in order. Pick yourself up and recover a bare minimum working order in your house. Establish a routine everyone follows for getting ready in the morning, preparing and eating meals, doing homework, buying groceries and gas, transporting kids to school or to Little League, for rest and play, and for going to bed. Everyone needs to know what to expect.
Paying attention to household management may sound like a dull remedy for the aches and pains of separation or depression, but both common sense and research support this approach as fundamental to calming fears and to the development of a new stability. A sensible routine, with regular meals and regular times for shared recreation, translates into “home,” being cared about, and a sense of security. “Knowing my kids needed that routine forced me to be orderly for at least part of my week,” said John. “Even when I didn’t think I could make dinner or read that bedtime story, I did it. It actually did make things easier — not only for them, but for me, too.”
This family and others who ordered their lives early on — despite their difficulties — seem to have an easier time of readjusting overall. A sensible routine not only feels safe, it also allows our minds and bodies to calm down and heal.
Parenting apart means setting up your own House Rules and settling into your own style. This can be liberating, especially if you felt the other parent used to look over your shoulder too much. More than one parent, often the father, has reported that he is enjoying his children more and feeling a rapport and depth of feeling for them that had escaped him earlier.
You can start with House Rules that reflect your expectations as well as those of the children. “If I want to take the phone off the hook during dinner, I can.” “If I want to have a quiet period for reading or headphone stereo listening after nine p.m., I can write it into the blueprint.” Some advice: if your natural inclination is to be a relaxed and permissive parent, consider tightening up with a routine at least during your first year. Many children interpret limits as a reflection of their parents’ personal stability and as a caring for their well-being. You can provide the leadership for a set of House Rules reached in a family powwow that promotes safety, health, and privacy for everyone. These House Rules can be revised anytime you think is wise.
Common sense tells you that the more House Rules you have in common with the other parent, the better. It’s less confusing to the children and more supportive for the parents. But it would be rare for both parents to have exactly the same House Rules. Try to have the same or close to the same rules for the main organization of the child’s day — for example, bedtime periods, when to do homework, TV watching, and curfews.
Do it. Families that eat together usually do better, especially the children. This is a time to ask about how the day went, to share jokes, ideas, hardships, hopes. To be acknowledged, listened to, and listen to others is to feel like a family. Turn off the TV. This is the time to talk together, even if the kids aren’t all that interested. They will be, eventually.
Each home, regardless of how the children’s time is divided, has basic safety needs. You need a clearly legible list of important numbers: the doctor’s, friends’, and neighbors’, as well as numbers for emergency, fire, and police. Parents should familiarize children with fire escapes, routes in case of earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fire, or other disasters. Set up meeting places for the family if separated. Please do not overlook these essential routines. There’s no need to alarm very young children with details of such information. But they should memorize their own addresses and last names, phone numbers, and the names of other family or friends to call in an emergency.
No home can function without somebody doing the work. Besides being necessary, this work can help build security and solidity for the new family’s self-image — especially when the parent and children work together. When the parent scrubs the sink, the eight-year-old daughter puts away the dishes, and the ten-year-old vacuums, the burden of housework is lightened by teamwork and the growth of a new family feeling.
Participation builds solidarity, as all athletes who play team sports know well. Children of any age need the satisfaction of doing a job in cooperation with Mom or Dad. Children’s family work is not a form of cheap labor for unpleasant tasks, but a preparation for an independent life as an adult. Completed tasks remind children that they belong; that they are functioning family members, trusted, appreciated, and most of all, needed to keep the household running. “I feel guilty having the children do work,” said a parent. His misplaced guilt won’t make them feel at home, but simple tasks and the resumption of a more realistic parenting pattern will.
Children in divorced families often grow more realistic about the relationship between caring and sharing, about how things get done in the grownup world. When children help cook meals, do the laundry, clean the house, shop, and eat the meal they helped prepare, they know what their work accomplished. A sense of mastery and increased self-confidence can grow. Children such as these seem to be more independent at an earlier age than are children from families that have never faced adversity or reorganization.
How decisions are made about family work and family rules is different in each family. Some parents prefer to make all the decisions, others allow their children to decide. A good midpoint leaves certain areas open to discussion, but the parent reserves the right to make the final decisions, while the other areas are discussed openly by all with each child’s preference given as much priority as possible.
I don’t know that I completely agree with this. I grew up with divorced parents, my dad lived out of state and we only visited once a year. I was always so thankful that I didn’t have to go back and forth more often. I honestly think it is harder for children that have to go back and forth often. It seems to me like it is better for children to have one home and visit the other parent. One example, how do respond to where do you live? Or what’s your address if you have 2 homes? Even if you have belongings in both homes, saying I live sometimes here and sometimes there does not feel like I belong.
What is the mental development of a child that goes back-and-forth from mom’s house to dad’s house.
Does this really help a child develop properly and his younger years?
I Absolutely agree with comments above that going back and forth between two homes in an equal
timshare fashion is a horrible way for a child to grow up. They are not toys and trophies to be shared. They are humans. It leaves a sense of un belonging actually. Instead of having a primary or one home to call home they end up having no home to call home. They start saying “mom’s” house and “Dad’s” house instead of “my” house. They are in a constant state of instability going back and forth. Even a week to week or days to days does not matter because it’s a constant. The extensive academic research shows that it’s best for children to have both parents but to have one primary home to call home base and spend good chunks of quality time with the other. Even sharing weekends taking turns and then an overnight at the other parents home during the school week is much better for the children. Otherwise, the kids end up making the sacrifice and their normal childhood sripped away if they are in constant back and forth and no one place to call home. Would you want to go back and forth constantly as an adult? Why force the kids then? It’s an absolute decrease in the quality of life of children. Parents who force their child or children to go back and forth between two homes equally or who brainwash their kids it’s normal or think it’s normal are just being outright selfish and only thinking of their own needs.
I’m guessing you are someone who just thinks mom should just take care of the kids and dad should pay most of his salary to mom. Let’s face it, we live in a society with predatory women who view children as income and good fathers as their piggy banks. We also live in a society where the court system not only allows this, but actively tries to leave fathers with as little as possible. So until fathers treated fairly in divorce and are awards primary residential custody in approximately 50% of the cases, your argument holds no water.
Where is the valid and academic research that shows children will almost always want to go back and forth between two homes? I think not. However, there is extensive research studied over many years that going back and forth between two homes equally is damaging to children’s overall development. They actually end up with a sense of not belonging instead of belonging or normal. They start saying “mom’s” house and “dad’s” house instead of “my” house. They are in a constant state of unstableness. It’s much better and appropriate for children to have a primary home and have quality chunks of time like weekend to weekend by sharing weekends with the other parent and even an overnight during the week. Going back and forth sharing equal custody decreases the quality of children’s lives. Would you want to go back and forth between two homes constantly? Why make a child then if you say no. Don’t take a child’s childhood away – it’s already been messed up. Parents who force or brainwash their children that going back and forth equally in time are only acting selfish and thinking of their own needs. Children are not trophies or toys to be shared back and forth equally. They are human beings.
My child is eight and has equal time at two homes. He is loved and a well adjusted child, who has quality time with both parents. His dad is an involved parent and good dad, and he is just as important a parent as I am as a mum. My son has lived happily between two homes since he was 2yrs old. If the parents can put aside their differences and parent from a place of caring and with their child placed first, good communication and a balanced approach can work very well. It depends on the two adults and their history, but if you can co parent ( with both parents being fully involved and creating caring & loving homes, it actually is better for the child, or children involved.
My son is 1 years old and my daufhter is 7 months. How do u do the schedule? On what days ur son goes with his father? Im so confused… my kids father and I just dont get along due to him being very disrespectful. Im living with my mother and father at the moment. Due to, tooo many verbal fights with my kids dad. I just want my kids to be as happy the way ur describing ur sons life. Thank u for posting!!!! – Lelaina
Thank you, Eva, for your comment. We took custody of our 14-year old grandson a year and a half ago. At first he stayed with his Papaw and I 100% of the time. But over the months, his other grandparents have become co-parents with us. Michael is with us 2 weeks and with his other Mamaw and Papaw 2 weeks. It seems to be working well even though I notice that Michael becomes mildly agitated a day or two before and after the transition from one home to the other. I found this article in a search for ways to soften the twice monthly moving process, and I’m happy to say that I’ve picked up some tools I will try out when we do the next switch. Overall, co-parenting between 2 homes is working well for Michael and all of his “grands.”
My son is 6. His dad and i have been divorced for almost a year and a half. I have been seeing someone and we are discussing taking the next step, as in moving in together. He is with me 60% of the time and dad 40%but sometimes decides to stay a random night there. I’m not sure how to go about trying to help him cope. He’s been super whiny for the past months and challenges me to the max. He’s a very good kid, but sometimes has his moments. I am not sure of the rules he has at his dads.
I am currently at my parents, he has his own room at his dads house. How do i help him feel welcomed? Help him understand i am not chosing my partner over him.
This was my husband’s situation with his ex girlfriend exactly. Totally agree with you.
With an 11 yr old boy going back and forth between houses how long should he have “down time” to acclimate before he is expected to do things? I heard 6 to 8 hours.
Thank u
Question. Looking for opinions. My boys are in sports, when they finish the season everyone gets a trophy. So my question is do we buy 2 trophies, one for each home? Or do they pick where they want to take it? Thoughts are really appreciated;)