In my part of the world, it is cold now. We’ve all been tested and re-tested, and hopefully we’ve learned how to look at life a little differently. We’ve learned to tolerate the little things that used to get to us. We’ve learned to count our blessings and pray and send love, make love, and send energy to those that are in need.
Winter is a time to reflect — to look within. Let’s take this time to connect with ourselves on a deeper level, sort out all that we have absorbed during the “fruitful” months, and make some sense out of it all. Let’s digest and make it part of us in a positive and life-affirming way.
Take some time to cuddle by the fire, snuggle in your comforter, and gather your comfort items and growth tools around you, whether those consist of a bible or tarot-cards or simply paper and pencil to write out your feelings. Take this time to set your new goals for yourself. Pull your loved ones close to you. Reassure them. Say your prayers and affirmations, and make your visualizations now for your personal growth — your soul’s evolution. Make clear in your mind what you want to change about your life and yourself.
Use what you have learned about yourself to start preparing for the season of rebirth in the spring. Then set your new goals into motion: as the winter thaws, you can bloom with your new ideas and evolve along with the cycles of the earth, for we are all a part of her and creation.
We all know by now that we attract to us what we are projecting. If we project lack and fear into the universe, we will only receive the same. If we project love and fullness, then we will receive the same. Here is an easy exercise for you to love yourself and your connection with the universe. If you are coming from a higher place, a place of universal love, you can and will eventually attract love back to you.
This sexercise can be shared with a partner or not! On a cool or cold evening or morning, light a fire in your wood stove or fireplace. If you don’t have a fireplace, light candles to add a warm glow. Gather your pillows, blankets, and feather bed, and create a love nest in the vicinity of your fire.
After a bath, dress yourself in something soft and sexy. Make yourself feel like a goddess. Have flowering plants or greenery arranged pleasantly to remind you of your connection to the earth. Now, after unplugging the phone and getting your wine or tea, plant yourself into your nest and snuggle into a comfortable position. Engage in your favorite prayer or mantra. Relax, let go of all tension, and focus your energy on your heart area.
Use your gift of imagination and creation and feel your heart energy as it expands. Visualize it, and with feeling, push love and heart energy outward. I visualize my heart like a spinning vortex of love. I “see” with my mind’s eye — vibrant colors expanding from my heart center. I not only use my mind’s eye, but I feel the energy and propel it outwards through visualization as I feel it expand. A rush of divine love!
Now you are in the glow of the love light. While you surround yourself in the love, start your self-loving. Caress yourself, touch yourself, and explore. Use your loving fantasies to become aroused and bring pleasure to your body and soul as you caress and remind yourself just how sacred and full of love you are. You are a sacred vessel of love. Become it. Share this ecstatic energy with the world. Become love. A loving, sexually charged being will attract the same. You cannot be loved until you love yourself. An empty vessel has nothing to give. Fill yourself with love and then you are empowered and have the energy to give to your lover, family, community, and the universe. Namaste!
Debora Myers is editor and co-founder of Lady fire. She is a graduate of the Self-Heal School of Herbal Medicine in San Diego, CA. She has also studied extensively with Traditional American Indian Healers and been actively involved in the civil rights and environmental movements. Debora is a life-long student, constantly updating and educating herself concerning the holistic healing arts and sexuality. She lives with her husband and two children.
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