Going through a divorce can completely drain you emotionally, and adjusting to life as a single parent can make it easy to get into a rut with your children. You may feel overwhelmed, tired, and frustrated. So how can you break out of this divorce rut and enjoy some quality time with your children?
Taking Charge of Moving On
Moving on from a divorce is easier said than done. Divorce is one of life’s biggest stressors and can bring up crippling emotions. At times, you may want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over your head, but you won’t feel this way forever.
Keep in mind that your children are watching how you handle this major life event. Your choices will make an impression on them, whether you choose to dwell on negative emotions or try to make the best of your situation. Remember that the only person who can build a new and enjoyable life as an unmarried person is you.
How to Get Out of a Divorce Rut
It is important to take the initiative to create a new life that both you and your children can enjoy. You might be living on a reduced budget, but there are things that you and your kids can do to break out of the rut.
- Experiment with new recipes. Try preparing meals or baked goods that you’ve never tried before. Be sure to let your kids participate.
- Get outside and be active with your kids. You can go walking or biking, or can even consider going for a ride in a new neighborhood.
- If you and your kids didn’t move to a completely different house or apartment, consider rearranging the furniture or adding a little bit of new décor from yard sale finds.
- Plan at least one family night a week where you play cards, board games or do some type of artwork or crafts with your kids.
- Take a day trip to a national park, carnival, or an amusement park with your children
What if Your Ex Makes Life Difficult?
It’s possible your ex will attempt to make life difficult for you as you try to rebuild after divorce. He or she may not honor court-ordered visitation arrangements or may not pay child support. He or she may want to relocate to a different part of the country or might push back against your desire to relocate.
Your life after divorce may not be the life you intended to live, but it is possible to get out of a divorce rut and make new memories with your children. Whatever you do, don’t lose sight of the future and the life you are creating for your children.
Patrick Wright is the co-founder of The Wright Firm, LLP. Patrick is certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Certification and has dedicated his career to resolve the conflicts that pull families apart.
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