Texas requires a 60-day waiting period after the filing of a lawsuit, before it will grant a divorce. If this is not soon enough, you will need to look at other jurisdictions. However, most cases with any kind of contest are not resolved within 60 days. The time depends on the nature of the contention and disagreements. You can shorten the process by being reasonable in your requests and able to compromise — both of which are not easily done in divorce cases. Of course, this is a two-way street and if your spouse is the one who is not reasonable and won’t compromise, your spouse may be the one who will determine how long it will take. Being anxious to resolve a divorce suit is always a disadvantage to the person in the negotiations. The person who is anxious to get it resolved will have to give up more in the negotiations than they would otherwise. The need for quickness of closure has to be weighed against the concessions that have to be made in the negotiations. Donn C. Fullenweider practices family law in Houston with The Fullenwieder Firm. His skill as a negotiator and trial lawyer has been described in two books about his cases and several national magazines, including Town & Country, Harper’s Bazaar, and The National Law Journal.
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