Stephen T. Holman, a family lawyer in Pensacola, answers:
If you or your former spouse has had a substantial change of circumstances, such as the loss of a job or a substantial increase or decrease in income, it may be appropriate to revisit your child support or alimony arrangements.
If your former spouse has developed a drug, alcohol, or other problem that could put your children at risk, parenting schedules may need to be modified.
If one spouse is permitted to move with a child(ren) because of a job change or other circumstances, parenting arrangements will need to be modified to ensure that the minor children have frequent and continuing contact with both parents.
Whether you are seeking an increase or a decrease in child support, it is important to act quickly. Orders for increases in child support are generally retroactive to the date of filing. Reductions in child support are usually only effective from the date the court actually signs the order. Unfortunately, this could be months after you filed for your reduction in child support.
Stephen Holman is a family attorney in Pensacola, Florida, where he founded Stephen T. Holman P.A. Stephen has personal experience that the best divorce is one that protects your children. He has the proven courtroom experience to aggressively fight for your rights and defend your interests.
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