Predatory men and women like nothing better than to come between someone and their new love interest. Here’s how to recognize a predator.
Blogger's Bio
Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem M.Ed.
Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem, M.Ed., wants to live in a world where people work together in harmony with honesty and integrity being valued and where cheaters are held accountable.
As a wise and experienced consultant, Marilyn has helped clients improve their personal and professional relationships for over 35 years. She consults on business relationships, often to families in business.
Marilyn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Adult Education and Counselling Psychology, from the University of Toronto. She has a private practice in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Marilyn Belleghem Consulting Inc. (1978)
Frequently quoted in the press and as a guest on radio and television, Marilyn’s ideas stimulate thoughts and discussion. Her appearances have included local, national and international media.
Marilyn is the author of nonfiction books and eBooks on Personal Growth Through Travel that incorporate life skills into readable stories of relationships and travel adventures. Marilyn uses the symbol of the Holy Grail as the essence of the Self. Her powerful stories of self-discovery and travel adventures include personal details about her life sharing her joys and anguish with touching candor.
“My presentations and my books are very personal. They are not trivial accounts. I share how I explore the depths of my struggle to cope with true life events in ways that demonstrate how life skills can be used to survive in some very challenging circumstances. My stories are relevant to the larger conversations about relationships and personal growth.” Marilyn declares.
Questing; Marilyn: In Search Of My Holy Grail, asks; who could I be when I am free to be me, away from my roles and responsibilities?
Questing France: Deepening The Search For My Holy Grail, asks; can I hold on to me when I am with you?
Questing Home: A Safe Place For My Holy Grail, asks; how can I find me without you?
Marilyn’s books are personal because life IS personal.
Marilyn is enthusiastically working on marketing her books, looking forward to the release of Questing Confidence: Managing My Holy Grail and enjoying the feedback from readers and audience attendees.
Explore ways to apply life skills to your own life her.
Blog posts created by this author
When Will I Stop Thinking About My Ex?

You may often find yourself asking: “when you I thinking about your Ex?” Possibly never! When someone has been an important part of your life you will be reminded of them in many ways over the rest of your life. When a couple has children and their marriage ends their activities and ongoing contact with […]
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