10. Allowing emotions to control the decision making.
9. Listening to threats from their spouse and allowing it to impact their position.
8. Failing to realize the impact the divorce has on their children.
7. Improperly involving the children in the divorce process.
6. Failing to consider the value of having the case completed – rather than the stress of it dragging out – when considering settlement terms.
5. Failing to properly consider the attorney’s fees in litigating an issue compared to the potential savings of settling an issue.
4. Failing to provide an accurate budget or Case Information Statement.
3. Allowing family members and friends to provide too much influence over the decision making.
2. Failing to consider the other parties’ desire to spend time with the children and the benefit of both parents being involved in the children’s lives.
1. Not listening to their attorney
William J. Rudnik. is a family law attorney at Gebhardt & Kiefer, P.C. where he successfully represents clients in Family Law court in matters involving divorce, property division and more.
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