Brad Micklin, a family lawyer in Nutley, answers:
The most common divorce mistake is not retaining an attorney. There are several reasons people choose not to retain an attorney and none of them are any good. Some people think “I can’t afford it,” “I can represent myself; it’s easy,” or “My spouse and I agree on everything so there is nothing to fight over.” Divorce litigation can start off simply, but then quickly spiral out of control. Divorce litigants often find themselves in over their heads. It is far less expensive to hire an experienced matrimonial attorney to do it right the first time than to go back and try to fix mistakes. Issues such as child custody, support, and equitable distribution are very complex. What happens in your divorce litigation can have significant and long-lasting consequences. Divorce litigation requires the skill of an experienced matrimonial attorney.
Brad Micklin is a family lawyer in Nutley, NJ.
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